Where To Put A Gun Safe In Your House

Where To Put A Gun Safe In Your House?

A gun safe is a place where you keep your guns and other home defense tools. They can be placed in various locations around the house, but they are often put in bedroom closets where it’s easy to access during the night or where burglars might not look if they ever broke into your place of residence.

You may also want to consider putting them under lock and key so children won’t have access to them and keeping sensitive documents like birth certificates, passports, etc., safe from unwanted viewers.

If you are also looking for where to put a gun safe in your house where you can keep all of these items safe, this blog post proffers a list where you can easily add one without upsetting your home’s decor.

Let’s start reading!

What size of gun safe do I need? 

What size gun safe do you need? This question varies depending upon where exactly you want to place your new, shiny purchase. 

Suppose you’re going to go with under-bed storage. Most companies offer small options because they are easily accessible in an emergency when there isn’t enough time to rustle through drawers or shelves looking for them. 

You can also build a platform and raise it off of the ground and out of sight if you don’t have much room at all. On the other hand, if you decide to put it in a closet where the floor is raised, you need to ensure that nothing will fall onto it.

How much does a gun safe cost?

A gun safe is not a cheap thing. They range anywhere from $50 to over a thousand dollars, depending on where you are looking to place it in your home and what type of material the safe is made out of.

The most common choices are either steel or plastic (where price ranges between $500 -$1500), but there are other options like concrete ($2000-$3000) which can be upwards of three feet thick!

How to store guns in the home

The following are some tips to store guns in the home:

1. Use a safe or lockbox for storing guns inside the home 

2. Keep guns locked in a safe.

3. Store ammunition in a separate location from the gun.

4. Use trigger locks to prevent children from accessing guns.

5. Store your gun unloaded and with the safety on when not using it. 

6. Consider getting an electronic lock for your gun safe if you have small children or grandchildren who may be able to access it without triggering the lock. 

7. Buy a locking cabinet that is designed specifically for firearms (or put one up high where kids

can’t reach) – this will keep them out of sight but still accessible if needed.

8. Guns should never be stored in the same area as ammunition.

9. Always store guns unloaded and locked securely away from children

10. Keep your gun out of sight but not hidden – you want it to be accessible if needed

11. Make sure there is always a working key for accessing any keyless locks on safes or locks boxes.

Where To Put A Gun Safe In Your House

Where to put a gun safe in the home

The following are some to put your gun safe:

Outdoor, near children and family areas:

It is not recommended that you keep it concealed next to sites of naughty kids and guests. One wrong pull and everyone will panic, including yourself.

  • You can also put your gun safe in your closet, where you can easily access it when needed.
  • It would be best always to remember to keep them safe in a place where only you or trusted people have access to this area. You don’t want to fail when protecting yourself and your loved ones because someone else got their hands on the gun!
  • You would also place your gun safe under the bed where it’s usually out of sight and less accessible to children, but harder for an adult that has fallen asleep or passed away in their sleep like senior citizens because they cannot get up where the safe is at night time.
  • It is also an ideal option to save your gun safe behind a painting on the wall where most thieves would never think there’s something valuable inside. It does require some carpentry skills, so be sure about what type of gun safe you want before buying one if this sounds like a good option. Otherwise, go with the other options above, which are easier than hanging your entire safe from the wall!
  • You can also consider a garage a good place for installing your gun safe, but most people don’t access these spaces often to be good options; however, temperatures tend to fluctuate often, which could cause the gun safe to malfunction.
  • You could also use the kitchen or workshop to put a gun safe. This is also the best place to put your gun safe in the house if they are secured properly and resistant enough against humidity and corrosion.

Where to put a gun safe in the office:

1. The best place to put a gun safe in your office is the closet

2. Make sure you have an alarm system installed on it, and make sure you can access it easily when needed.

3. It should be hidden from view but accessible for emergencies.

4. Hide any keys or codes in a drawer nearby so that no one else knows the combination.

5. Store ammunition in a separate location away from your gun safe, preferably under lock and key.

6. Keep firearms unloaded until they are ready to be used on duty.

7. Put your gun safe in a place that is easy to access

8. Make sure you can easily move it if necessary.

9. Keep the gun safe out of sight from public view and away from windows or doors that are frequently opened.

10. Consider how many people may need access to your gun safe – for example, if there is more than one person who might be able to get into it, make sure it’s not near any doorways or stairs where someone could come up behind and grab it

11. Keep the keypad facing the ground so no one can see what numbers you’re entering.

12. If possible, keep an extra key somewhere outside of the office (in a safety deposit box at a bank) in case you forget your code and don’t have time to call for help before needing access to your weapon.

Where To Put A Gun Safe In Your House

Tips for installing gun safe

The following are some tips for installing your gun safe securely in your home.

1. Take a look at the size of your gun safe and make sure it will fit in the space you have picked out for it

2. Choose a place that is not easily accessible to children or others who should not be able to access firearms

3. Make sure there are no gaps between the front door and frame, as burglars may use this as an opportunity to enter your home if they suspect you own guns inside

4. Consider installing a fireproof lockbox outside of your home so that if someone breaks into your house, they cannot get their hands on any weapons inside

5. Install motion-sensor lights around areas where you keep guns stored – this way, intruders won’t know which part of the house has been breached until after they’ve already entered

6. Keep all keys away from children – if kids can unlock doors themselves, thieves can too!

5. Make a list of all necessary tools and materials before beginning the installation process 

6. Have someone help with lifting heavy objects or carrying them downstairs.


A gun safe is an excellent place to protect your firearms from theft or misuse. It will also help you comply with local, state, and federal laws if these are things that concern you.

You can buy guns safes in various shapes and sizes, so it’s important to take the time to do your research for making your purchase.

When considering where to install one of these safes in your house, there are several factors worth considering, including how accessible the location should be for adults but not children and its proximity to other common areas like bedrooms or living rooms.

If you still have any questions in mind, please leave a comment below.

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